Financial Tools to Have in Your Kit to Reach Goals
Whenever you have plans to build anything (and that means absolutely anything, from an entire house to a go-cart for your child and everything in between) you know this important fact:
Using the correct tools for your project are absolutely vital to your building success.
It’s a proven truth that utilizing improper tools for any job-build will amount to an improper ending to that job-build. Building your financial goals is no exception to this rule.
When it comes to help saving money, using the budgeting tools that are exactly right for your wants, needs and plans are equally valuable. Make sure you research and have the very best financial tools to build a goal planning (plan) that is so (strong) you can enjoy the confidence in knowing your financial life goals will never crumble down!
An Introduction to Financial Tools that Will Help You Begin Managing Your Money-Saving Goals
There are a number of various free online tools and apps designed to help you begin building a smart, workable get out of debt plan. As with anything else in life, first things first. In order to reach your true money-saving goals, do your research and take your first steps toward breaking free from your current debts.
Money management platforms and apps exist to help you organize your finances, build debt payoff plans that work especially for you, and start saving and investing your money. These platforms combine all of your info together for easy management and viewing. Easy control and payoff!
Now, let’s look at how the best financial tools can help you.
Take Care of Your Financial Future. The Goalry Mall is here to help!
1. Help with Spending Control
Before you even begin choosing the right debt relief decisions for your lifestyle or beginning your search for helpful financial tools, let’s start from the top.
stop spending!
I know. It sounds awful. However, you CAN learn to stop spending on needless items; and once you learn it will be a good, ingrained habit. A habit you can live with and wonder how you ever lived without. Like, did you really and truly NEED that giant new flat-screen TV you bought last month?
The right financial tool will show you where you can cut back on spending, what you spend on the most and how to save more.
Cancel unnecessary subscriptions
Like most people today, you’re most likely streaming TV content more than ever and ignoring your cable boxes. And how about that gym membership, or monthly yoga instruction fee? Whatever you are not using anymore, or using rarely, just cancel away. You’ll be happily surprised at the increased money in your bank account. No matter what the amount of savings you find you are suddenly enjoying after the cancellations…put that “new-found” money directly into any debt relief issue you need to resolve
Apps that help you save
Your smartphone can help you save in order to relieve debt! Find an app that helps you to track the purchases you make; just seeing what you spend in a day can be a great motivation for spending less tomorrow (and the days to follow). You can even uncover a wealth of financial tools such as shopping apps, where you’ll be shown the best discounts – and even get coupons – from your favorite retailers. Where are the lowest gas prices in your vicinity? Which parking lots near you are the cheapest? There are apps for that information. And more!
Buy in bulk
You’ll save lots of your well-earned money when you purchase household necessities in big quantities at your local buy-in-bulk warehouse. In the end, you can direct your ultimate monetary savings straight to much-needed debt relief.
Donate money
Have you been donating to charity? Well, you should be — for various reasons. Donations help those in need. Including you! Talk to your accountant or other financial professional. You may very well be eligible for a deduction of up to 50% of your adjusted gross income. And if you are, you know where that extra deduction money is going to go to, right? Your debt relief!
2. Help with Budgeting and Financing - the Right Way
Don’t let all that noise of websites and apps and family advice get in the way of your big picture: true and successful budgeting and financial building.
Itching to block out that noise? Find a quiet room and check out the Budgetry store for an amazing wealth of information to track and manage your budgeting, as well as the discovery of cool roads to easy and useful financial health scoring – and so much more!
Properly managing budgets and keeping track of your spending is vital if you need to save money in order to reach your financial goals.
Here are a few ways you can stick to a solid budgeting and financing plan:
3. Help with Unifying your Finances
Imagine a platform or system or website or app you can turn to — and trust — to be there for you to assist in reaching all of your financial goals?
No need to imagine. They do exist. And there are numerous and trustworthy types!
We know … your finances and money goal reaching work is not easy. So, let’s make them easy (or at the very least, easier!). How? Well, in our modern technology age you have the advantage to explore and use numerous financial tools that will do all the hard, but important, work for you.
Here are a few of the best:
Popular tools such as Quicken for Windows or the free MoneyStrands app exist to safely manage, consolidate, and control your various financial accounts in one single place. Download the free MoneyStrands app right to your smartphone and enjoy anytime-access to all of your financial transactions, account balance information, budgets and purchase habits, and so much more. Tools like these give you more time to choose better spending and saving decisions in order to reach your financial goals
Experience true online financial tool excellence at the Goalry Mall. This financial goal mall is composed of different money-building success stores (just as a mall has different stores). Each Goalry Mall store offers different services such as shopping for a loan, budgeting, building wealth and much, much more. You’ll turn to Goalry Mall to help you reach your financial goals, and to comparison shop for ANY money matter. To help you along the way the online Mall also offers important financial information and features a social community where you can connect with other people that share your similar financial path!
3. Help with Tax Tracking
You’ve truly earned your tax return. And you can certainly use the funds to help further reach your financial goals, whether your plan includes paying toward debt, padding your savings account, adding to your retirement fund, building an emergency fund, or whatever else is part of your financial goal-reaching path.
But where is your tax return?
If you haven’t yet received your tax return, or are simply curious about what stage it’s at and when it will get to you, use a tax tracking website, online page or app. And get your answers.
Tax Trackers include a range of services and information aimed to find your money. There are corporate websites you can look into, but you can also simply log on to the IRS website where you’ll find information — for free — about how to track down the status of your tax return.
4. Help with Debt Consolidation
It’s true: bringing in assistance from a debt consolidator can be nerve-wracking. You don’t know what to expect.
But do your research. There are many helpful, reputable debt consolidation agencies that you can trust. And that will help you work up some financial-help magic!
Do you know anyone that enjoys being in debt? I bet your answer is a powerful “no way!” But if you need to consolidate your debt, know that you are not alone. If you are like the majority of Americans, then you most likely are in debt for one thing or another. Research has proven that most Americans are experiencing issues with debt and paying back what is owed
It’s vital to get your debt within control and to look for helpful ways for eliminating the debts. Are you burdened by loan pay-backs, credit card debt, student loans, and other types of debt? Do an online search to find the best way to consolidate the various debts, and don’t forget to research ways in getting the lowest interest rates available
5. Build an Emergency Fund
Stuff happens. And you never know when this stuff will hit. Financial experts all agree it’s important to be financially safe and prepared in the case of a life emergency, be it a health crisis that your insurance won’t cover enough of, a sudden job loss, and the list continues.
Having an Emergency Fund is a necessary part of your personal financial toolkit.
Don’t borrow money from the fund. Ever. It should sit where it is and earn interest for you in case of an unexpected financial crisis.
6. Help with Your Credit Score
Credit reports are a MUST in our day and age. Especially good credit reports.
Credit reports are basically a detailed history of the financial promises you have made in your life, including loans of every kind, credit card payments, mortgages and more. Everyone’s credit report is scored with a number that ranges (approximately) from 150 through 900.
That credit score number can make — or ruin — your financial life.
How creditworthy and financially responsible are you? The answer to that question is reflected in your credit report and its score. That score will control whether or not you will be approved to take out a loan or open up a new credit card as well as your ability to buy a car or a house.
Mistakes do happen. That’s why you need to understand, and continually monitor, your credit report. Your report must include all of your updated credit information. And you need to take the time to check for errors that will, rest assured, have a negative effect on your credit score — and your financial goals.
In conclusion,
Always remember there is hope and there is help, so you can reach the financial goals you need. And there are financial tools galore for further help in budgeting and for staying on your planned financial path.
Money management takes time to understand and to get better at. Building a financial toolkit also takes solid commitment, budgeting, and a true understanding of your finances and spending habits.
And that’s all OK. And common!
Being able to effectively manage your money will make life flow much more smoothly, not to mention help lower your stress levels. Being well-organized will also save you time and save you potential headaches in the future. And no one wants those. Be calm, be well organized, and begin taking the right steps to properly build your personal financial strategy. So many Americans have done it. I know that you can, too.
Here’s to financial goal success!