Should You Have an Online Financial Goals Planner?
What’s The Plan?
If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.
Sometimes winging it works out great. I know folks who can walk into a strange kitchen, poke around in the cabinets a bit to see what’s available, then whip up a delicious breakfast for two or create a new dessert dish better than anything even the fancy chains are offering.
It rarely works that way with budgeting or financial planning, however. The long-term security and financial stability of yourself and those you love shouldn’t be left to chance. You want to risk adding arugula to an omelet or replacing your heavy metal guitar solo with a trombone quintet? Be my guest. But if you tell me you’re not worried about finances and don’t need a plan because it will all work out?
Let’s just say I’m leaving the band and heading to IHOP.
Working Without a Net
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
The Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA) reports that not only do most Americans not have a financial planner, nearly than one-in-four don’t even have a financial plan for themselves or their families. In short, they’re trying not to think about it.
I generally try to avoid clichés, but I can’t help but recall an old standard at this point:
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
I know, I know – but it’s true. Maybe that’s why it’s stuck around so long. Benjamin Franklin had a gift for taking BIG truths and making them seem simple and doable. If you like, I can take the same idea and put it a bit more bluntly:
If you’re not willing to take a little time and make a little effort now to prepare for the future, what you’re really telling your family is ‘tough luck’ when you’re not around to take care of them or you can’t work anymore. You're telling those you love that they’ll just have to give up their own lives and come take care of you because you couldn’t be bothered to prepare.
Are There Financial Planning Alternatives?
Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.
My friend, this is the 21st century – there are always alternatives.
First, under the general heading of “financial planner” come several varieties based on qualifications and professional obligations. We sometimes use the term to refer to financial professionals who aren’t actually “planners” at all, but who nevertheless bring insight and experience to the discussion.
If you’re considering hiring a human financial planner, you should absolutely take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the different descriptions and legal obligations of each. You don’t want to end up paying someone else to profit off of your hard work without actually looking out for your best interests.
There are numerous technological options available as well. If your financial situation is fairly straightforward, for example, and you primarily need help navigating the world of short and long-term investments, a virtual planning assistant can often accomplish the same things a human would do at a much lower cost to you.
A good virtual planner can analyze your finances now as well as making reasonable predictions on your behalf for the next half-century. It can then weight hundreds or even thousands of investment options based on your desired rate of return, your preferred risk tolerance, and any other factors important to you.
Your Personal Financial Goals Planner
Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning.
We believe in what we’re doing here at Goalry. We love the idea that almost anyone can take more effective control of their personal or small business finances if given the same information, opportunities, and connections as everyone else.
Track Your Financial Goals. All in One Place. Join Us!
Besides, you don’t need me taking the last spoonful of picante. See, Goalry has long been your preferred online financial mall.
Loanry or Cashry when you need resources or financing.
Debtry when you’re looking to restructure (or even just survive) your current debt.
Accury when you need to get ahead of the game on accurate real estate values or figure out all that realtor lingo.
Insurry to easily compare insurance options.
Billry to help organize your monthly obligations and reduce your stress while eliminating all those late fees and overcharges.
Wealthry to help you manage your savings and investments.
Taxry to maximize your take home while staying out of trouble with Uncle Sam.
What we’d like to do next is put the power of personal financial management in your pocket – or at least on your phone or tablet.
Should You Have An Online Financial Goals Planner?
I need to stop getting into situations where all my options are potentially bad.
I want to be fair to both sides of the issue here, so let me try to put this calmly and objectively:
Yes. Of course. Why would you not? Are you crazy?!
Imagine pulling out your phone or tablet and, with a few basic swipes or taps, pulling up clear, usable information like
how much you have in checking, savings, or any other accounts you keep
automatic analysis of deposits and withdrawals from each of those accounts
balances and credit limits for all credit cards or other loans
status of your current investments
historical and projected performance for each of your investments
recent transactions, categorized based on your own established guidelines
notifications of any unexpected changes in any of your accounts or investments
your projected financial goals and analysis of existing progress towards those goals
upcoming payments due
daily insights about your finances and tips on successful growth
easy links to financial advice, explanations, or insights
a cat that’s made friends with an adorable armadillo
OK, I made that last one up to see if you were paying attention. Good catch on your part.
No Time Like Today!
We can’t go back, and we can’t stay here. We’ve got to keep going for the mountains – no matter what is waiting there.
The future is coming. There will be much we can’t control. What we can do, however, is prepare. Once you get started, you’ll be surprised how rewarding it is and how little pain and suffering is actually involved. With a little help from Goalry and the downloadable tools we can provide, you may be the best personal financial planner you’ve ever hired.