Emergency Cash Loans

Let’s cut to the chase. No, we don’t loan money. Yes, we can help connect you with reputable online lenders who do. Goalry maintains a curated database of quality online lenders and other financial services institutions. It’s a messy world out there, and the internet is no exception. We help you cut through the nonsense and find legitimate options, whatever your financial situation or need. If you’re here to get emergency cash, we’ll assume things could be going better. The good news, however, is that you’re not the first – and you’re certainly not alone. The market for small cash loans online has exploded so much in the past decade that making sense of it and sorting out legitimate lenders from the scams and the weirdos usually requires going through an experienced online lending marketplace like Cashry or Loanry. You can link to an easy form right from this page that will gather a enough basic information for us to hook you up with the lender we believe best matches your needs. Here it is:

Whether or not you choose to get emergency cash this way is, as always, entirely up to you. Even when going through an established marketplace like ours (and we’re quite proud of our track record for customer satisfaction and successful connections), you should always consider the specifics of any offer carefully. Don’t commit to terms you can’t fulfill, no matter how desperate things feel at the moment. If you can’t realistically repay a loan on the terms laid out before you, look for other options. Period.

We’re not known for sugar-coating things at Goalry. We want your business and we want you to be happy, but we believe the best way to get there is by transparency and real talk. One theme you’ll hear quite often on Cashry and across the Goalry family is that you can’t make your situation better by making it worse.

It sounds so obvious, doesn’t it? Our human nature, however, is to move quickly when we feel desperate. We need money to pay bills. Rent is due. The refrigerator is empty. Our tires are practically bald. Stress and worry are uncomfortable feelings and our inclination is to do whatever we have to in order to reduce those feelings. That’s a big part of why people make such horrible decisions when under stress – we’re not stupid, we’re just human.

Take a breath. Organize your thoughts. Do your best to make every decision intentional. There are almost always emergency cash loans out there that will work for your situation. We’ll help you find them. But there’s no need to move forward until you’re fully informed and understand everything you’re committing to. You can’t make your situation better by making it worse.

Major Types of Cash Loans Online

Not all lenders are the same, and not all loans work the same way. While details may vary endlessly, it’s helpful if we begin by understanding a few general types of online loans.

Small Dollar Loans

As the name suggests, a small sollar loans is a way to get emergency cash based on your current employment and predictable income rather than your credit history or credit score. Amounts of $50 - $500 are typical. Small dollar loans are generally very short term, high interest loans you commit to repay in full on your next payday. Penalties for missing that date can be substantial.

Small dollar loans should never be a regular part of making ends meet from month to month. They’re intended to be one-time, small cash loans to cover emergencies or other extreme circumstances in which you can realistically expect to handle things moving forward if you can just get through the immediate crisis. For that reason, they’re sometimes called “bridge loans” or “cash advances.”

Small dollar loans are usually very quick and the paperwork is minimal. That is, in fact, the primary appeal – you need to get emergency cash fast and they provide it. You’ll often see money in your account within 24 hours if approved. Plus, as stated above, they’re not dependent on your credit score – just your next paycheck. On the other hand, terms for small dollar loans tend to be strict. You’ll pay back more than you borrow even if the loan term is relatively brief. Fees and penalties are usually punitive, so missing repayment can quickly spiral into one more debt you may find it difficult to dig your way out of.

We partner with several lenders who specialize in quick short term loans. We do this because the need is often great and because we know there are many less-reputable options out there. At the risk of over-generalizing, there’s really never a good reason to trust your financial well-being to the smoke-filled hole-in-the-wall wedged between the gas station and the tattoo parlor with bars over the windows. We’d rather help you find someone willing to be upfront about terms and expectations and who welcomes your questions about the specifics.

Once you’ve solved your immediate crisis, stick around and let’s look at ways to help reduce the chances of ending up in a similar position next time. There may be options you haven’t considered, and which might even help you get started on serious debt reduction and establishing more realistic money savings goals than may seem possible right now.

Personal Loans

Personal loans are generally for longer time periods than small dollar loans – from six months to several years. Amounts of $2,000 to $10,000 or more are typical. They’re based on your person credit history and credit score, although some lenders will approve even weak or bad credit applications if you have collateral to offer as security (a vehicle or other property, for example).

A personal loan usually carries a fixed interest rate as well. This means that repayment terms are predictable from month to month – you know exactly how much you’re expected to pay, when payment is due, and how many months are required before you’re paid in full. This makes it far easier to budget for repayment. Interest rates will depend on your credit history (and are sometimes limited by state law), but are generally far lower than small dollar loans or other quick short term loans.

You can apply for a personal loan at your local bank or credit union. If you have a checking account, mortgage, or other ongoing relationship with a brick-and-mortar institution near you, that’s a good place to start. One of the benefits of technology in the 21st century, however, is the rise of online lending. You don’t have to leave the house, and because they don’t have nice lobbies or popcorn machines to maintain, rates and other terms are often very competitive. If approved, you’ll often see funds deposited in your account within 24 hours.

There are still penalties and fees for not paying on time with a personal loan, but they’re not typically as severe as with small dollar loans. If you make your payments on time, you might be surprised what even a small loan can do for your overall credit history and how quickly your credit score improves. Personal loans shouldn’t be a regular solution when you need money to pay bills or have trouble making it from one paycheck to the next. If you’ve had unexpected debts pile up, however, and you believe you could realistically get on top of things if you could restructure that hump, the right personal loan might be the way to go. Some people find them ideal for paying for weddings, major repairs, or even family vacations.

As always, look at your budget and make sure you can afford to make the monthly payments on any personal loan before you commit. Your lender should be willing to answer any questions or resolve any confusion you have before you make your final decision. If they’re not, you need a different lender.

Bad Credit Loans

Many people don’t realize that there are also legitimate lenders who specialize in helping clients with limited or poor credit. These are personal loans, but the amounts and terms are adjusted to allow those of us with a less-than-ideal credit history to begin rebuilding our financial options. Maybe there were bad choices in your past. Maybe the circumstances were beyond your control. Stuff happens, and while it’s not always easy, there’s almost always a way to get things moving back in the right direction.

Interest rates for bad credit loans will usually be higher than for similar loans for someone with average credit. That doesn’t mean the rates have to be predatory, however, or that you should take the first offer that comes along. We can help connect you to lenders who specialize in online loans for bad credit. Even then, however, if you’re not happy with what they’re offering, you should absolutely shop around.

You may have poor credit, but you’re still the customer. You may have to accept higher rates than you’ll be offered once you’ve begun rebuilding your credit, but that doesn’t mean you have no say in the matter. Bad credit or low income loans are a substantial subcategory of online lending these days. While you’re looking for someone willing to take a chance on you, they’re competing for YOUR business as well. Our track record making happy matches is pretty strong when it comes to online loans for bad credit, but that’s because we make sure you’re always in the driver’s seat. You know your budget. You know your needs. Know your options as well, and chances are we can help you find something you’ll feel good about.

These are some of the most common loan types people find helpful in difficult situations, but there are many others. Check out the Cashry or Loanry blogs or just let us know what you’re needing. Chances are good we can point you the right direction.

Financial Wellness Programs and How To Save Money

Maybe right this moment you can’t imagine having money set aside in savings. Maybe you’re not in love with the idea of setting frugal living goals or reading up on tips for saving money. We get it. We’re not in this business because we have no idea what it’s like to struggle with debt. Our company vision isn’t about making anyone feel guilty or inadequate when things go sideways for them no matter how hard they’re working to make things right.


When you’re ready, however, we’d love to have you visit the various sites in the Goalry family and read through a few of our blogs. We’re big believers in keeping things honest and in plain, simple English.

We keep writing about how to make extra money in difficult times because of the feedback we receive every time someone scores a win as a result. We’ll keep talking about why everyone should have an emergency fund (even if you’re living paycheck to paycheck) because of how often we hear from folks how it’s saved them from bad situations turning worse. And we’ll keep publishing tips for saving money as long as people keep Googling it like crazy.

We like to break down terminology and complicated information so that it’s accessible to just about anyone. Whether you’re trying to figure out what’s actually involved in taking out a mortgage or you’re looking for ideas about how to make extra money or find jobs for low income families, our experts are on it. We compare financial wellness programs and teach you how to spot the ones likely to take your money and waste your time. We understand that it’s never just about the money – it’s about the people and things we care about. It’s about what money makes possible when we have it and the barriers it erects when we don’t.

You’re in the right place. It’s up to you what comes next. Let us know how we can help.

 Start Learning with Goalry

How to Use Personal Loans or Bad Credit Loans to Meet Your Debt Reduction Goals

There’s a common theme across the Goalry family – including with everything we do at Cashry. We believe that most people are perfectly capable of taking more effective control of their personal or small business finances if provided with useful information and insights, practical tools and connections, and the right opportunities.

If you’re here to get emergency cash, we can help. The links are pretty easy to find – maybe you’ve already filled out a request to get connected. But you’re also still reading. That’s good. It suggest that maybe you want to do more than plug a hole, or survive a crisis. We can help with that.

It starts by having a serious talk with yourself about goals. Where would you realistically like to be in a year? In five years? In ten? Setting goals is an act of intentional optimism. It says, “I have some input on how this goes.” It says, “Maybe I can’t control everything, but I can control some of it.” This is true of even modest debt reduction goals or very basic money saving goals. It may require establishing some frugal living goals – which may not always be easy, but isn’t as hard is it probably feels when you read it for the first time.

In case you didn’t notice, we’re big fans of setting goals and plans for reaching them. Not OUR goals – YOUR goals.

Building (or rebuilding) your financial security is cumulative. That means the steps you take have more and more impact the longer you keep pushing the right direction. Look at it this way…

You came here to get emergency cash. Maybe you do, and when you get through this crisis, you come back and spend a little more time looking at ways to strengthen your financial standing. Or maybe instead of accepting the quick short term loans you’re offered, you take out a small personal loan or a loan for bad credit. You use it to get through our immediate circumstances, and apply the rest to debt reduction – those medical bills that keep holding you back, catching up on your car payment or utilities, or paying down (or off) those high interest credit cards.

You prioritize repaying this new loan each month – on time, every time. In addition to the stuff you’ve paid off with the loan, you’re now establishing a better credit history. Your credit score will start to creep up. Given time, old negative information falls off your report anyway. Now you have new positive information to replaced it. Next time you need to purchase a car or want to finance a major appliance, you have two new advantages – better credit, which means better terms no matter who the lender is, and an existing relationship with a reputable online lender who you’ve already taken out a loan with and paid it back in full. Maybe you even open a separate savings account to act as an emergency fund. The next time something unexpected happens, you have options – look at your improved options for small cash loans and keep your savings growing, or use your savings to avoid the potential downsides of emergency cash loans.

Better credit isn’t just about being able to take out bigger loans or lock in lower interest. It means more flexibility so that even when you do borrow, the loan costs you less. That means more disposable income, which in turn means you’re better able to meet your other monthly obligations. It means it’s much easier to pay down debt, which raises your credit rating even more, and so on.

It’s not instantaneous – it usually takes time to get in serious debt trouble, and it takes a little time to get out. But it may not take as long as you think.