Financial Goals For a Business to Maximize Success
Financial goals are critical from the moment you decide to start a business. As your established business grows, it becomes even more important to set smart goals and take the right steps to meet them in ways that exemplify the integrity of your company. You have a variety of resources available to help you set the right financial goals for a business of your current size and with your future ambitions.
Once you figure out the best goals for your business, you can identify the best tools to help you succeed. Following is a discussion of some of the best long term financial goals for all businesses. Use these ideas as inspiration as you set specific goals that will push your business to the next level of success.
1. Adequate Cash Flow
Make sure your business has it to cover all expenses when needed. Cash flow accounting refers to the amount of money your company has on hand at any time to cover operational expenses. Have you heard of small companies and startups struggling to fulfill large, lucrative orders because they simply don’t have the money to make the product in advance of payment? It happens, and it’s a result of cash flow problems.
One of the most critical financial goals for a business that creates a physical product is cash flow. Even if your products or services are strictly digital, you may still need cash on hand to pay service providers, consultants, and freelancers or employees before sales are made.
Some cash flow goals that a business may set include:
Reducing expenses to conserve cash.
Securing additional funding to ensure adequate cash flow in the long-term.
Closely monitoring expenditures to ensure cash is never wasted.
Paying off the debt incurred due to cash flow problems in the past.
Your cash flow goals should look to the future. You never know when your company will have a golden opportunity that requires you to spend money to make money. Start with goals that ensure you have the cash flow you need to remain operational and efficient right now. You can then expand your goals to ensure you have more wiggle room in your budget to take some risks that may pay off big time in the future.
Cash flow goals start with one question: How much money do you need each month or year to remain operational and efficient? From there, you can assess your current available cash and come up with goals that help you gain financial security.
2. Quality and Product or Service Offerings
Find ways to enhance these, because they are essential financial goals for a business in any industry and of any size. We’re talking about what you have to offer customers and how those offerings are delivered. Some goals your business may set include:
Expand product offerings by introducing related products that spin-off from your initial products. Looking for holes in the current market may help you find in-demand product ideas that will boost your overall sales.
Expand service offerings to fill voids in your local market or service area. What additional services could you offer to existing customers or to win over additional customers?
Enhance the quality of your products so that they outshine your competitors. A related goal is to improve consistency of quality, especially if you have had problems in the recent past.
Add new features that extend the functional use of your products. If you changed your design just a little, is there something new that customers could do with the product?
Create a premium version of your product or service. What can you do to elevate your product for a new version that sells for more money? Is there an enhanced service that some customers may willingly pay more to receive?
Turn free educational or marketing resources into an additional stream of revenue. For example, can you create an online course that is featured behind a pay wall on your website? If you can teach something that others are willing to pay to learn, perhaps you can turn some of your expertise into a money-making opportunity through a paid course or club while converting a few more customers in the process.
The best financial goals are those that are specific to your products or services. Brainstorm ways to turn your existing offerings into more robust and competitive offerings or to expand your catalog in new directions. Some of those ideas may give you some great financial goals that help your business grow in the months and years to come.
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3. Creative Strategies
These are used to maximize customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is critical to all financial goals for a business regardless of size. Every happy customer will help your business grow in the following ways:
Unhappy customers can do the opposite of everything on that list. They can leave negative reviews that discourage potential customers from giving you a chance and may lead to social media posts or word-of-mouth exchanges that are damaging to your reputation. That doesn’t mean every customer is always right. It does mean you need a clear-cut strategy to keep as many customers happy as possible.
Customer satisfaction starts with ensuring every customer feels valued, respected, and heard. Delivering more than expected every time and ensuring that your quality is consistent over time is also essential. Brainstorm ways you can make all of that happen while allowing your business to stand apart from your competitors.
4. Space and Equipment Needed for Improved Operations
Many financial goals for a business ready to grow will center on real estate and/or equipment. If you’re currently renting office space, perhaps your goal is to purchase a property so that your company has one stable headquarters. That eliminates the option of a landlord raising prices or selling the property to someone else, requiring you to find new space at the end of your lease. You may even want to set a more specific goal of buying space in a desirable area or in an up and coming neighborhood.
Your financial goals may also extend to purchasing or renting a building with more indoor and/or outdoor space. Growing businesses often come to a point where more space is needed to remain efficient. Sometimes just switching locations will improve foot traffic or give your company an improved image that is better in line with your brand.
Depending on your business, you may also aim toward upgrading equipment that will do one or more of the following:
Improve efficiency
Decrease profit loss
Enhance speed
Boost employee morale
Elevate your brand or image
Increase the competitive edge
Expand product or service line
Elevate quality
Enhance quality consistency
Whether you own a business or publish books online, you need the best equipment available to remain competitive and produce quality products that are consistently in line with customer expectations. You also need an adequate workspace that is set up for success in the long and short term. Even if your equipment and space needs are met right now, how do you predict those needs changing in the next five to 10 years?
5. Balanced Financial Goals for All Members of Management
If your business has multiple owners or members of upper management, they should all take an active part in establishing the company’s financial goals. For a business to succeed, every member of management should feel driven to do whatever is needed to meet the goals selected. That doesn’t mean that each person will have a vested interest in every goal or that every member of management will fully agree on every goal.
Goal-based financial planning becomes more challenging as your company grows. Your mission is to establish a series of financial goals for a business with competing interests and needs. You may have goals that your sales team actively tackles while other goals are focused on other departments or are company-wide initiatives. Don’t limit yourself to just one or two goals, and always keep an open mind when someone presents an idea for a new goal.
If you already have a goal or two in mind, think about ways you can incorporate feedback from trusted individuals within your company. Your goals should go beyond simple strategies to boost profits or increase your list of customers. Make sure every component of your business is focused on a goal that pushes your company to the next level. When everyone has something that they believe in and want to work toward, your company can maximize success in less time.
How can you balance the interests of every person critical to the success of your company? Working out a list of goals that motivates everyone is likely one of your most challenging but essential financial goals for a business ready to grow.
6. Comprehensive Marketing Plan
Either you create it or you invest in a marketing team. The rules and most effective marketing strategies for businesses have changed significantly in the last 10 years. It’s no longer as simple as taking out ads in your local newspaper or spreading a few flyers through a residential area. Computer technology is taking over the world, and even local advertising now requires an online component. Yes, the best way to reach customers in your local area is through social media, search engines like Google and Yahoo, and directories like Yelp.
If you aren’t an expert when it comes to online marketing and you don’t have a partner or teammate who understands how to create a comprehensive marketing strategy, you need to put some money toward a professional or marketing agency. You have a few options:
Pay someone to generate a customized marketing plan that will work for your business, and then do the work yourself. Keep in mind that it will significantly increase your daily, weekly, and monthly to-do lists. Little things like content creation and social media posting can take up a lot of time and are critical to effective business marketing and brand building. You can use freelancers and independent contractors to generate content and then post it yourself.
Allow a professional agency or freelancer to handle the plan and the ongoing work for you. That will cost more, but it will ensure everything is consistent and high in quality without extending your workday unnecessarily.
Hire someone with marketing skills or train someone already on your team to handle that job. You may still work with a professional freelancer or agency at times to make sure your overall marketing plan is effective, but having someone in-house handle the day-to-day implementation of the plan may save you some money over allowing a professional agency to do it all for you.
What’s important is that your marketing plan keeps up with new trends and changing expectations for optional performance. All it takes is an updated algorithm from Google to throw off some of your best content, tanking your website overnight if you aren’t up to date, and ready to make critical changes quickly. If you don’t have time to study online marketing and track trends, then working with a digital marketing agency may become one of your future financial goals.
7. Skill Development and Talent Recruitment
If you’re a one-man team or small business, what skills do you need to learn to make your business more successful? If you have partners or employees, what can you do to boost their skills and level of expertise? You’re looking for specific skill enhancements that will improve the efficiency and productivity of your team while elevating overall knowledge of your industry, your products or services, and your business goals.
For instance, maybe your customer service team could use an investment in more bilingual agents. Maybe your sales team would benefit from a series of motivational speakers or a seminar that enhances their sales techniques. You may need to brush up on skills that will allow you to outsource fewer tasks, saving some money for your company. For instance, could you do a better job with marketing if you gave up some of your time to complete a course that teaches you how to create your own comprehensive marketing plan?
There’s always something new to learn or a new skill to add to your team. Keep your mind open because this is one of those financial goals for a business that will change over time.
Repeat Business
Happy customers are more likely to return for future purchases.
Word-of-Mouth Advertising
When a customer is satisfied with your products or services and they feel valued, they’re likely to recommend your company to others.
Positive Reviews
Reviews on Yelp, Amazon, Google and many other directories or platforms can help bring in future business for years to come. Those reviews can also help build your brand, but only if they come from satisfied customers with something positive to say.
Tips to Make Your Business Financial Goals a Reality
At this point, you’ve likely done at least a bit of work establishing financial goals for a business you would like to grow. Whether you already have your goals set or you need a bit more time to finalize your options, the work isn’t done yet. In order to create effective goals that prompt you to take action and succeed, you need to utilize the following financial goal-setting tips:
Create an Action Plan
for each of your financial goals for business success. Deconstruct each goal, creating specific steps of action that you can take to make them a reality before a set deadline. Break your long-term goal down into mid-term goals and then go even further to short-term goals. The short and mid-term goals should reflect what you need to do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to reach your long-term goal.
Write Your Goals Down
And don’t just write them, but also share them with others. If you have employees or business partners, make sure they’re aware of your long-term financial goals and the steps you’re taking to make sure those goals are met. Each person should understand clearly what role they plan in accomplishing each goal.
Automate as Much as Possible
There’s an automated system for virtually any financial matter these days. Check out your options to ensure the action you need to take happens like clockwork without constant thinking and planning on your part.
Don’t Save the Celebration for the Finish Line
Pat yourself on the back for small milestones along the way. If you have employees or teammates who help make it happen, make sure to deliver incentives that will motivate them to keep their eye on the next milestone in line.
To Sum up
What are your financial goals for a business that is ready to thrive? Take the time to create an action plan and implement processes that will ensure you succeed. You may encounter setbacks or obstacles along the way, so keep your action plan flexible. Small adjustments will ensure you stay on track rather than giving in to difficult circumstances or unexpected curveballs.
If business loans are part of your action plan, we can make the loan shopping process faster and easier. Our system will help you connect with lenders while comparing your options and selecting the best terms for the financial backing your business needs to succeed.